Included is a recap of the announcements from the chapter meeting in case you were unable to attend or need more information!


Save the Date! FPA NorCal is May 26th and 27th.  The NorCal Conference registration opens December 1st. Early Bird registration could save you $100. Go to for more information.

Upcoming Events

Marin Brown Bag Lunch Meeting – Startup Wealth: Guiding Clients Through Liquidity Events with Joyce Franklin, CFA, CFP®: December 4, 2014, 11:30 pm, Larkspur Landing, 100 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur (Upstairs conference room)

December FPASF Chapter Meeting – The Great Balancing Act: Advising the Sandwich Generation with Chuck Bowes, CFP®, Gregg Clarke, CFP®, Karen Blodgett, CFP® : December 9, 2014, The City Club, 155 Sansome Street, SF


Thank you to our featured Gold Sponsor: Troy Chakarun with Voya

Thank you to our Meeting Sponsor: Virg Cristobal with Lincoln Financial Advisors

Also, thank you to our Session Coordinator, Paul Morelli.
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