Included is a recap of the announcements from the chapter meeting in case you were unable to attend or need more information!

Scholarship Program: Launched! FPA San Francisco and FPA East Bay are pleased to announce the intention of each chapter to award one of its members with financial assistance in the form of a $1,500 scholarship to pay for expenses related to attaining the CFP® credential or attending an FPA Residency Program.

See our webpage for more details! Pass it along—retweet, post, share!


Upcoming Events

Financial Planning Day: Saturday, October 25. SF Public Library—Main Branch. Go to the website for more details!

Northern California Chapter Fall Expo: Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 9-3 at the Sacramento State Alumni Center.  Insights on robo advisors. See their website for more information!

Member Appreciation Event: Today immediately following our chapter meeting at the Irish Bank. A special thank you to Alan Carr and Jack Fowler from Deutsche Bank for hosting the event. Should be some great fun!

Thank you to our featured Gold Sponsor: Jeffrey Schwartz of TIAA-CREF.

Meeting pics