Past Events

Date/Time Event
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Yule Winter Solstice

Yule Winter Solstice, celebrated by Pagans and Wiccans. The shortest day of the year represents a celebration focusing on rebirth, renewal and new beginnings as the sun makes its way back to the Earth. A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky.

12/16/2021 - 12/24/2021
12:00 am
Las Posadas

Las Posadas, a nine-day celebration in Mexico commemorating the trials Mary and Joseph endured during their journey to Bethlehem.

12/16/2021 - 12/24/2021
12:00 am
Las Posadas

Las Posadas, a nine-day celebration in Mexico commemorating the trials Mary and Joseph endured during their journey to Bethlehem.

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
VIRTUAL CHAPTER MEETING - Application of Psychology in Financial Planning

Speaker(s): Brendan Frazier, Founder of Wired Planning & Host of the Human Side of Money Podcast
Amy Mullen CFP®, President of Money Quotient, Inc.
Meghaan Lurtz, PhD, PFP/Financial Therapy, Lecturer, Writer and Senior Research Associate,
Lexi Olian, CFP®, Director of Financial Planning, The Humphreys Group
Strategic Partner: Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance Brokers of California, Inc., Ramona Johanneson

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St. Lucia’s Day

St. Lucia’s Day, a religious festival of light in Scandinavia and Italy commemorating the martyrdom of St. Lucia, a young Christian girl who was killed for her faith in 304 C.E. She secretly brought food to persecuted Christians in Rome while wearing a wreath of candles on her head so both her hands would be free.

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Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a religious holiday in Mexico commemorating the appearance of the Virgin Mary near Mexico City in 1531.

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International Human Rights Day

International Human Rights Day, established by the United Nations in 1948 to commemorate the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


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Immaculate Conception of Mary

Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the solemn celebration, by various Christian de- nominations, of belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Bodhi Day

Bodhi Day, the Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (Shakyamuni), experienced enlightenment, also known as bodhi in Sanskrit and Pali.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Strategic Partner Webinar - Learn How Managing Sequence of Returns Risk with Home Equity Can Help Preserve and Grow Your Clients’ Retirement Assets
Speaker(s): Beth Miller-Rowe, Branch Manager, The Reverse Mortgage Group
Phil Walker, VP, Strategic Partnerships, Finance of America Reverse
Access Video Explaining Reverse Mortgages – Click here
2 CFP CE credits will be granted
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St. Andrew’s Day

St. Andrew’s Day, the feast day for St. Andrew within various Christian denominations.

11/28/2021 - 01/06/2022
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Nativity Fast

Nativity Fast, a period of abstinence and penance practiced by the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches in preparation for the Nativity of Jesus.

11/28/2021 - 12/06/2021
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Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday that is celebrated around the world for eight days and nights. Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees, or Israelites, over the Greek-Syrian ruler, Antiochus, approximately 2,200 years ago.

11/28/2021 - 12/24/2021
All Day

Advent, a Christian season of celebration leading up to the birth of Christ.

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Native American Heritage Day

Native American Heritage Day, held annually the Friday after Thanksgiving, encourages Americans of all backgrounds to observe and honor Native Americans through appropriate ceremonies and activities. The day was signed into law by George W. Bush in 2008.

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