Our local chapter does not maintain the official membership database. Any updates to your contact information including your address, telephone numbers, and email address should be made through logging in at the FPA National site. Thank you!
Prospective Members
The Financial Planning Association® (FPA®) is the membership organization and professional home for committed practitioners who want to master the practice of financial planning and
help shape the future of the profession.
FPA History – On January 1, 2000, members of the International Association for Financial Planning (IAFP) and the Institute of Certified Financial Planners (ICFP) took a bold step forward by merging their organizations to create the Financial Planning Association (FPA). The Financial Planning Association, a member driven organization, has approximately 30,000 CFP® professionals, financial planners, specialists and organizations working together to advance the financial planning process. The FPA is a recognized international organization of financial professionals; and it is the strongest collective voice in the history of our profession.
Benefits of Membership
Why Join? – Here are 10 reasons to join FPA
The Financial Planning Association is your connection to other financial planning professionals, resources and benefits that will help you achieve a greater level of professional growth. By joining FPA of San Francisco, you will:
• Connect with the top financial planning professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area,
• Share ideas, techniques and strategies you can put to work in your own business,
• Have access to top notch continuing education classes and seminars,
• Take part in public relations and consumer events,
• Receive updated news about legislative/regulatory issues that affect your profession.
FPA is a dynamic association with 33 years of experience. FPA offers:
A national network of nearly 30,000 financial planning professionals;
• Opportunities to develop relationships with colleagues and other financial experts;
• Monthly chapter meetings offering outstanding continuing education programs (see our Calendar of Events for details); and
• Two day annual NorCal Conference offering nationally known speakers and educational credits
• Nationally recognized conferences at substantial member discounts;
• Career Development Center programs covering employment, CFP certification, internships, new planner discussion group and other programs;
• Practice management and business tools including Journal of Financial Planning, online information and networking services;
• Strengthened advocacy and public awareness efforts to promote the value of financial planning and the CFP mark.
Member Driven – In addition, membership will allow you to volunteer and actively participate in decisions that affect your profession. It will also provide opportunities for leadership roles. FPA of San Francisco is led by our Board of Directors, who are active volunteer members of our chapter. Each of the board members is responsible for a committee and its initiatives. The dynamic effects of this leadership structure include the ability to not only meet the chapter’s goals, but to surpass them and create new projects and accomplishments. The San Francisco Chapter continues to be a leader and that is why we have achieved the highest chapter recognition.
Most important, your membership in the FPA of San Francisco is affirmation of your commitment to your professional community. Make a difference, become a member and get involved today!
View additional Member Benefits or click here for membership information on FPA National’s website.
Our local chapter does not maintain the official membership database. Any updates to your contact information including your address, telephone numbers, and email address should be made through logging in at the FPA National site here