2014 FPA San Francisco CFP® Scholarship Program
FPA San Francisco and FPA East Bay are pleased to announce the intention of each chapter to award one of its members with financial assistance in the form of a $1,500 scholarship to pay for expenses related to attaining the CFP® credential or attending an FPA Residency Program.
Who is eligible?
• FPA SF or FPA East Bay current or prospective members who satisfy the following:
– You must have the intention to take all required courses for the CFP®exam and become a CFP®certificant; or
– You must be a CFP certificant who is eligible to attend an FPA Residency Program (please visit http://www.fpanet.org/EventsConferences/ResidencyProgram/ )
– You must have a commitment to regularly attend FPA chapter meetings and to become involved in the chapter.
– You must not have won another FPA or CFP®-related scholarship within the past 24 months
– Your current employer does not reimburse more than 50% of CFP-related expenses or FPA Residency expenses
What expenses are covered?
• Non-employer reimbursed expenses as follows:
– Tuition, books, supplies and fees to attend a local CFP Board Registered program*
– CFP exam review course fees and CFP exam fees
– Registration fee for FPA Residency Program and related travel costs
What is the process?
• Application – all applicants must complete a written application.
• Applicants planning to use the scholarship to attend FPA Residency are also asked to submit a recent financial plan prepared by the applicant.
• Interview – all finalists will be interviewed by the selection committee.
What are the selection criteria?
• Demonstrated commitment to financial planning profession & CFP credential
• Academic / professional accomplishments
• Leadership potential
• Community service / pro bono work
Where can I find the application or get more information?
• Applications are published on the FPA SF and East bay websites in early Sept.
• Download application here. Applications can also be accessed at www.fpanet.org/Chapters/EastBay/CareerDevelopment
• Application deadline is November 1, 2014
• For more information, please contact either Karen Blodgett at kblodgett@aspiriant.com (for SF) or EastBayFPA@gmail.com