Stay informed on all the events and network opportunities with the Financial Planning Association of San Francisco Newsletter.
A Message from the President Regarding December’s Meeting
FPA of San Francisco has a rich tradition in shaping the financial planning industry. Our members have been actively involved in contributing to both the growth and recognition of our profession. Many of them have also served as Presidents for our chapter.
On December 9th your board has invited the chapter’s past presidents to our monthly meeting. We want to learn from their experiences and insights. Our “past presidents” gathering is a way we can ensure we continue to steward our rich traditions for years to come.
Our past presidents will also be joining us for the Chapter Meeting and the Holiday Reception. This is a great opportunity to get to know those that have done so much for all of us and continue to play an active role in advancing the financial planning profession. Registration information for this meeting can be found below.
Vince Crivello
FPASF President
Next Meeting At:
The City Club, 155 Sansome Street, San Francisco
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Topic: The Great Balancing Act: Advising the Sandwich Generation
Speaker(s): Chuck Bowes, CFP®, Wealth Manager, Partner, Waypoint Wealth Partners
Gregg Clarke, CFP®, Founder and Senior Financial Planner, Meritas Wealth Management
Karen Blodgett, CFP®, Director of Wealth Management, Principal, Aspiriant
Program Description: Per the Pew Research Center, 47% of middle-aged (ages 40-59) adults have parents over age 65 and dependent children. 15% of this “Sandwich Generation” provides financial support both to a parent and to their children. Oftentimes, members of this group are also providing emotional support and care-giving to these family members. It can be challenging to manage these financial, emotional and time demands while keeping on track to achieve one’s own goals and maintain one’s sanity and health. The Great Recession and weak recovery only exacerbated this situation by increasing the number of adult children failing to launch or returning home. Almost 75% of the Sandwich Generation provided financial support to an adult child in the past year.
*This program has been approved by the CFP Board for 1.0 hour of CE credit.
Holiday Reception – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Immediately Following the Above Chapter Meeting)
Come spend a fun evening mixing and mingling with members and guests while you dine on hors d’oeuvres and drinks! We hope you can join us!
Special Announcement: Cheers! The SF-Pro Bono Committee would like to salute members who have participated in a SF-Pro Bono event in 2014. Can we buy you a drink at the Holiday Reception? Please check the (“Pro-Bono Participant”) box when registering for the December 9th Chapter Meeting indicating that you have participated in a SF-FPA Pro Bono event. We are thankful to all of our participants and hope to celebrate with you on December 9th. Register Here
Chapter News
Nominations are Now Open for the Heart of Financial Planning Award! Deadline is November 30th
As we all know, our financial planning community is full of people doing extraordinary work that has a positive impact on society. Once a year, the FPA’s San Francisco chapter chooses to recognize an individual who is making a difference. The FPA Heart of Financial Planning Award is an esteemed acknowledgement of an individual or organization, who has used the FPA’s Core Values of integrity, competence, dedication to relationship building and stewardship to contribute to the financial planning community and/or the public. Continue reading write up here – Download Nomination Form here.
Website Volunteer Needed
We are looking for a member with skills in Word Press to help the Marketing Communications committee with the more advanced troubleshooting for our website. Time commitment is only a few hours a month to create pages for new site content, help with formatting challenges and implement Word Press functions we aren’t currently utilizing. Interested applicants please email Cynthia Flannigan at For more information on other volunteer opportunities, please contact the committee’s director here.
Marin Brown Bag Lunch Meeting – Startup Wealth: Guiding Clients Through Liquidity Events
Thursday, December 4, 2014, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Larkspur Landing, 100 Larkspur Landing Circle (Upstairs Conference Room)
An exploration of the Entrepreneur’s Wheel of Life, along with comprehensive discussions of equity awards, stock options, and techniques for helping entrepreneurs and startup employees maximize their wealth. Joyce will discuss her first book, Startup Wealth, written based on interviews with more than 65 entrepreneurs, executives, venture capitalists, and advisors who offer advice for making smart financial decisions in all phases of a startup. She will share entertaining success stories and revealing lessons learned from the founders of Tesla Motors, the CFO of Yahoo, and other tech luminaries.
Upcoming Events
11:30 am – December 4, 2014
Topic: Marin Brown Bag – Marin Brown Bag Lunch Meeting – Startup Wealth: Guiding Clients Through Liquidity Events
Speaker: Joyce Franklin, CPA, CFP®
4:00 pm – December 9, 2014
Topic: The Great Balancing Act: Advising the Sandwich Generation
Speakers: Chuck Bowes, CFP®, Gregg Clarke, CFP®, Karen Blodgett, CFP®
6:00 pm – December 9, 2014
Topic: Holiday Reception
Please visit the chapter’s website for additional information on the above events and discounted programs offered by our Allied Professional Organizations.