We would like to remind you that volunteer registration is open for the 6th annual Financial Planning Day in San Francisco. The event will be held on Saturday, November 7th from 9AM to 4PM at the Main branch at Civic Center of the San Francisco Public Library.

If you have already registered to volunteer, we thank you! You should have received an auto-generated email confirming your registration but I will also reach out to all volunteers by email or phone in the coming weeks.

Once again this year, we’re looking for volunteers who are interested in providing one-on-one counseling to individuals and families, many of whom have never had the opportunity to meet with a planner before. This year, only financial planners who hold the CFP® certification will be eligible to volunteer. We are open to newer planners as there may be opportunities for them to shadow more experienced planners during the counseling sessions.

We also need volunteers who can speak other languages such as Spanish, Tagalog, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Please indicate any languages you speak when registering.

At the event, each volunteer is seated at a table, allowing individuals, couples and families to sit down and address their personal finance questions, concerns and curiosities. Volunteers have the opportunity to assist many attendees throughout the event, but can speak to only one individual or family at a time. In addition to one-on-one counseling, attendees are also able to attend educational workshops, such as Estate Planning, and hear from speakers on popular financial topics.

To register as a planning volunteer, please click here.  

In addition to financial planners, we are looking for volunteers to provide logistics support on the day of the event. Logistics volunteers do not need to be FPA members or hold the CFP® certification. Typical duties include directing attendees to the appropriate activities, assisting with the Ask-a-Planner section, etc. If you or anyone you know is interested in being a logistics volunteer or would like more information, please contact Executive Director, Holly Wilkerson at

We would also like to ask for your help in promoting Financial Planning Day. Please spread the word about this great event with your communities and social media outlets by posting the following link on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.:
http://financialplanningdays.org/event/san-francisco-financial-planning-day. Alternatively, we have electronic and paper postcards available for you to give to any friends, family, or community organizations you think would benefit from Financial Planning Day. Please contact Chris Remedios, chris@remediosfinancialplanning.com, or Jen Hicks, jen@yebu.com for the postcards.

San Francisco Financial Planning Day is a pro bono benefit to the public, and there is no selling, product marketing or soliciting allowed. In other words, there are no strings attached for the consumer. Volunteers are not permitted to distribute business cards or any other marketing materials at the event. Attendees who choose to follow up with financial planners they meet at the event can do so through the volunteer contact information directory provided in the event handout.

Thank you for your time and for reading this message.

Sommer McKinley
On behalf of the steering committee for the 2015 FPD SF